Rbian is based on Debian and is very stable but since a lot of changes are made for ease of customer use and to make it compatible with Raspbian .This page will guide you with basic usage of Rbian. It covers most commonly used System functions and how they work on Rbian. we see it as prototyping os. Post prototyping for large scale deployments we support customised os creation with enterprise and security features.
This documentation is for Rbian OS version: 0.7.2-beta
To check the version of Rbian run the command in terminal
Note: If the command fails or gives error then Rbian version is < 0.7.2-beta.
To change the password of default user run command
sudopasswd pi
Config Tool
Open up the raspi-config tool, by running the command
sudo raspi-config
2. Navigate to System Options –> Password
3. Tool will ask you to enter the new password
4. Now your password should be changed.
Root Account and password
By default Root account is disabled in Rbian OS.
Enabling Root account
sudopasswd root
This command will ask you to set root password, once set the root account will be enabled.
Using Chromium
Start up chromium by, Going to the System Menu –> Internet –> Chromium Browser
Browser will open up, now visit your favourite sites and surf the internet.
USB Webcam
Connect USB webcam to one of the USB ports.
Accessing USB Webcam through GUI
Install webcamoid
sudo apt update && sudo apt install webcamoid
Go to System menu –> Sound & Video –> Webcamoid
It will show you the webcam output on the screen
Accessing USB Webcam through OpenCV
Connect USB webcam to one of the USB ports.
Install OpenCV
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-opencv
Write the code for capturing from webcam and save it in the file capture.py
import cv2
#cv2 is module import name for opencv-python
webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(5)# Capture frame
check, frame = webcam.read()if check:
cv2.imwrite('image.jpg', frame)# If the capture is successful, the frame is saved in a file called image.jpg
Video devices 0 to 4 are reserved for CSI camera, so Webcam devices connected is assigned to Video device 5. So the program uses cv2.VideoCapture(5) for webcam.
Run the program by running command
sudo python3 capture.py
Changing Timezone
Config Tool
Check the current time zone
List all available time zones
timedatectl list-timezones
Set the correct timezone
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Kolkata
Check if the timezone is set
Config Tool
Open up the raspi-config tool, by running the command
sudo raspi-config
Navigate to Localization Options –> Timezone
Tool will ask you to choose the Timezone according to your geographic area and city.
Your chosen timezone should be set.
Setting up Locale
Config Tool
Run command and choose the required Locale.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
Config Tool
Open up the raspi-config tool, by running the command
sudo raspi-config
Navigate to Localization Options –> Locale
Tool will ask you to choose the Locale.
Your chosen Locale should be set.
Setting up Keyboard
Config Tool
Run command and choose the correct keyboard model
dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
Apply the keyboard configuration
sudo systemctl restart keyboard-setup.service
Config Tool
Open up the raspi-config tool, by running the command
sudo raspi-config
Navigate to Localization Options –> Keyboard
Tool will ask you to choose the Keyboard layout.
Your chosen Keyboard layout should be set.
Changing Wallpaper
Right Click and select “Desktop preferences”
Change wallpaper
Click on Close to save and exit.
Changing Display resolution
Config Tool
Open the system menu and go to Preferences -> Monitor Settings to customise display settings
Set the display resolution and refresh rate
Click Apply to apply the settings and Save to save the settings for next boot.
Config Tool
Open up the raspi-config tool, by running the command
sudo raspi-config
2. Navigate to Display Options –> Resolution
3. Tool will ask you to choose the Display resolution.
Tool will ask you to choose the Audio device. For 3.5mm jack choose https://brainypi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/config-tool_3.pngff880000.i2s-ES8316 HiFi es8316.1-0011-0
Audio should be set to 3.5mm jack output.
Changing Chromium flags for improved performance
Visit the site chrome://flags
Search and enable these flags
Override software rendering list
GPU rasterization
Visit the site chrome://gpu and it should show you the below output
This will improve the video playing performance of chromium.
First, Ensure version of OS installed and the version this document is intended for match. If they match and yet problem persists. Please use this Forum link for community help.
If you are an enterprise customer please use the ticketing system login provided to you for priority support.