Brainy Pi

Available to select audience

Rbian OS


Rbian is based on Debian and is very stable but since a lot of changes are made for ease of customer use and to make it compatible with Raspbian .This page will guide you with basic usage of Rbian. It covers most commonly used System functions and how they work on Rbian. we see it as prototyping os. Post prototyping for large scale deployments we support customised os creation with enterprise and security features.

This documentation is for Rbian OS version: 0.7.2-beta
To check the version of Rbian run the command in terminal
Note: If the command fails or gives error then Rbian version is < 0.7.2-beta.

Configuration on first Boot

Connect to Internet via Ethernet

Connect to Internet via WiFi

Updating software packages

To update software packages, run commands
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Set Account password and root password

Default Login Account and password

  1. User : pi
  2. Password : brainy

Changing Login password for default user pi

Root Account and password

By default Root account is disabled in Rbian OS.
Enabling Root account
sudo passwd root
This command will ask you to set root password, once set the root account will be enabled.

Using Chromium

  1. Start up chromium by, Going to the System Menu –> Internet –> Chromium Browser
  2. Browser will open up, now visit your favourite sites and surf the internet.

USB Webcam

Connect USB webcam to one of the USB ports.
Accessing USB Webcam through GUI
  1. Install webcamoid
sudo apt update && sudo apt install webcamoid 
  1. Go to System menu –> Sound & Video –> Webcamoid
It will show you the webcam output on the screen
Accessing USB Webcam through OpenCV
Connect USB webcam to one of the USB ports.
  1. Install OpenCV
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python3-opencv
  2. Write the code for capturing from webcam and save it in the file
    import cv2 
    #cv2 is module import name for opencv-python 
    webcam = cv2.VideoCapture(5) 
    # Capture frame 
    check, frame = 
    if check: 
    cv2.imwrite('image.jpg', frame) 
    # If the capture is successful, the frame is saved in a file called image.jpg 

Video devices 0 to 4 are reserved for CSI camera, so Webcam devices connected is assigned to Video device 5. So the program uses cv2.VideoCapture(5) for webcam.

  1. Run the program by running command
sudo python3

Changing Timezone

Setting up Locale

Setting up Keyboard

Changing Wallpaper

  1. Right Click and select “Desktop preferences”
  2. Change wallpaper
  3. Click on Close to save and exit.

Changing Display resolution

Fixing HDMI overscan

  1. Check all resolutions that the display supports
    xrandr -q
  2. Set the desired resolution
    xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode <resolution> --refresh <referesh-rate>
  • For example: for 1920×1080@60 Hz
    xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --refresh 60
  1. Adjust the HDMI overscan
    xrandr --output HDMI-1 --transform <h-scale>,0,<right-adjust>,0,<v-scale>,<left-adjust>,0,0,1
  • For example: To scale horizontal coordinates by 0.8, vertical coordinates by 1.04 and moving the screen by 35 pixels right and 19 pixels down:
    xrandr --output HDMI-1 --transform 0.80,0,-35,0,1.04,-19,0,0,1
  1. Autoset display settings at boot
    • 4.1 Edit file ~/.config/autostart/hdmioversxan-autostart.desktop make the changes given below
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=HDMI overscan autostart
    Comment=Set HDMI overscan 
    Exec=sh -c 'xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080 --refresh 60 --transform 1.04,0,-35,0,1.05,-30,0,0,1'

Sending/Receiving files using Bluetooth

Sending files using Bluetooth

  1. Open System Menu –> Preferences –> Bluetooth Manager
  2. Search for the Bluetooth device and Pair.
  3. Click on Send File to send any file from Brainy Pi to Mobile.

Receiving files from Bluetooth

  1. Open System Menu –> Preferences –> Bluetooth Manager 
  2. Search for the Bluetooth device and Pair.
  3. Send file using Mobile and the request will get shown in the Bluetooth manager
  4. Accept to start the file transfer. Once the file transfer is complete the bluetooth manager will notify you.

Changing default Audio output device

Default audio device is set to 3.5mm Jack on Brainy Pi.

Set HDMI as the default audio output device

Set 3.5mm Audio Jack as default audio output device

Changing Chromium flags for improved performance

  1. Visit the site chrome://flags
  2. Search and enable these flags
    • Override software rendering list
    • GPU rasterization
  3. Visit the site chrome://gpu and it should show you the below output 
  4. This will improve the video playing performance of chromium.
First, Ensure version of OS installed and the version this document is intended for match. If they match and yet problem persists. Please use this Forum link for community help.
If you are an enterprise customer please use the ticketing system login provided to you for priority support.


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