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Wireless Printer with Brainy pi

Wireless technology, including wireless printer, has been the most remarkable development in home printing in recent years. Fewer cords and more freedom to place your printer make this a win-win situation. Unless you still use a dated printer. Lets make a wireless printer with Brainy pi – Raspberry pi Alternative.
Even though new printers are reasonably priced, you may have already spent too much on your previous one. However, your outdated printer can also have a unique feature that makes it too pricey to replace.
The answer? Wireless printer. There are several options, but one well-liked method is to utilize your Brainy Pi as a wireless printer.
So in this blog, let us make our outdated, dull printer into something fun. All you need is a Brainy Pi and some software (CUPS). So instead of having the printer attached directly to one computer, the program enables you to move it wherever you choose and make it available to numerous PCs as a wireless printer. 

Required Components to Set Up Wireless Printer on Brainy pi:

Wireless Printer

You will need the following to set up Wireless Printer with Brainy Pi:
    • Brainy Pi
    • Ethernet/ WIFI
    • Keyboard and mouse for USB
    • Micro SD card

Step 1: Upgrade Your System

You should check to see if your Brainy Pi packages are up to date. To install any new software, updating and upgrading the device is essential.
Installed, start your Pi, then type the following in the Terminal
sudo apt update 

sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: CUPS Installation on Brainy pi

1. Run the command to install CUPS (dependency for wireless printer)
sudo apt install cups

2. The pi user has to be added to the lpadmin group as soon as the installation is complete.
sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin pi

3. Making CUPS available throughout your whole network will help to guarantee that it functions properly on your home network. Use the instruction.
sudo cupsctl --remote-any
sudo systemctl restart cups

4. You can now search for “Cups printer server.”
http://Brainy PI IP ADDRESS

5. By using the command, you will learn the IP address.
hostname -I

Step 3: Configuring SAMBA for the Brainy Pi for Wireless Printer Server

Setting up SAMBA correctly is crucial if you wish to utilize your wireless printer with Windows.
1. For SAMBA to function correctly and use the CUPS print drivers, we must install it and make a few configuration adjustments.
Use the command to install SAMBA.
sudo apt install samba

2. sudo apt install, use the command to open the nano text editor file now.
sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add or modify the following lines at the bottom.
# CUPS printing.
comment = All Printers
browseable = no
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = yes
create mask = 0700

# Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
# printer drivers
comment = Printer Drivers
path = /var/lib/samba/printers
browseable = yes
read only = no
guest ok = no

3. Use the command to restart SAMBA so that it will load in our updated settings.
sudo systemctl restart smbd

Wireless Printer

You may use search to find the web interface for your wireless printer.

After the home page loads, you must then select Administration.

The next step is to select “add printer.” and check whether the printer is connected to the Brainy Pi via USB before adding it once it has been scanned for devices.
The other printer is now visible in the printer sections.


Your wireless printer is now ready to use with the Brainy Pi – Raspberry pi Alternative !
Now that the Brainy Pi is wirelessly linked to the printer, you may print anything directly from it and use it with various Linux-based devices.
Reference: Print Server 


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